For the past couple of months, I have been trying to stretch and challenge myself. I am a person who is not a huge fan of change, it unnerves me. For the past couple of months, I have been quietly job hunting. I have been with my current job for over three years and just felt the need for a change. This week I put in my two weeks notice and am super excited to start a completely new job on May 11. On top of a career change, I have tried to change up my weekend routines. My friend Catherine and I have been challenging each other to come up with different things to do out of our "zone". We've met new friends and have done all sorts of random, fun things. I'm starting to think that change isn't such a horrible thing after all!
Friday night Dean & Deluca petit four in Lilly Pulitzer colors-soooo delicious! |
I ordered this dress on a whim and love it! Please excuse my messy bedroom! Mama I swear I cleaned it after this picture ;) |
I love pretty much the entire Aerin Lauder line, but especially her perfumes....they are to die for! Favorites include Rose De Grasse, Waterlilly Sun, Gardenia Rattan and Ikat Jasmine
Congrats on on your new job
Love it! So excited for you!